Robyn's Book Journal

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Location: Vancouver, B.C., Canada

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Ella Minnow Pea - Mark Dunn

This is a book to end all books for Word-Nerds.
A fictitious island that worships Nevin Nollop (the author of the alphabetic sentence "A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog") finds trouble when the letters of their town statue start falling off and the City Council decides that this is a sign from Nollop that the fallen letters should be eradicated from the English language. The novel is written in (postal) letters from one cousin to another or to an aunt or husband, so as the letters fall from the statue, they also disappear from the book.
The story is of the fight for freedom of expression and resistance to a flailing (and failing) City Council who gets in over their heads.
If you are a self-proclaimed Word-Nerd, or wish you were, this is a great novel for you! I thoroughly enjoyed this book, simply because of the wordsmithiness, but hey, it's a delightful story too! I love language, I love word-play, so of course I love this book. I'm not convinced that others would not also love it, though! It's something different that is also an easy, fun read!


Blogger Robyn said...

p.s. Thanks to Phaedra Kemp for originally recommending this book to me many moons ago!

November 10, 2007 11:13 PM  

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