Stanley Park - Timothy Taylor (2)
Sometimes I would read a book for school and not really get it or even really like it until we had torn it apart and studied it from the inside out, during which time I would slowly gain an understanding and fondness for it. It's like how you can only love an ugly dog like a Jack Russel if you knew it while it was a cute little puppy.
After reading "Story House," I am afraid that this may have been what happened to me with "Stanley Park." I have since forced many friends to read it, and I apologize if the book was more like "Story House" than I remember. If I ever get the book back, I'll have to re-read it to figure out my true feelings towards it...I just hope that those of you who read it on my recommendation enjoyed it >_< (oh please oh please)
After reading "Story House," I am afraid that this may have been what happened to me with "Stanley Park." I have since forced many friends to read it, and I apologize if the book was more like "Story House" than I remember. If I ever get the book back, I'll have to re-read it to figure out my true feelings towards it...I just hope that those of you who read it on my recommendation enjoyed it >_< (oh please oh please)
Oops, sorry Robs!! The Stanley park idea, of the life inside there was very cool.. but I just despised the main character.. I'm not quite sure how I feel about that one! How are you?? Miss you!! i will be home soon.
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